You can’t spell OCT without Respect. Be respectful to your
fellow competitors, the judges and also, yourself.
All competitors are required to have a Twitter account to use
for the OCT. The main site we are hosting the tournament on
is over on Twitter, so you must use an existing account or create
a new one for the OCT.
We must be able to message tag teams reliably, but it is not necessary for both members to have separate accounts. As long as we can contact you, one account is acceptable.​​
We accept any visual media format that conveys an clear sequence of events: i.e. Comics, Animation/Animatics, Visual Novels, etc.
We do not accept written entries within the main competition, as we feel its not fair to compare such different media.
Animation is not favored over other media, as we judge primarily on story and clarity!
Some of you may recognize that we previously ran a tournament called DreamcatcherOCT. While we consider this a second season of sorts, this has no connection to the first tournament storywise. Parasomnia is to be seen as an AU. We’d like veterans and those previously involved to keep references of rounds and events within DCOCT to an absolute minimum, as this is a different OCT that does not follow any of the previous events.
We want everyone, regardless of their experience within OCTs to feel absolutely welcomed.​
Should there be any troubles or concerns, please file a ticket in the discord or through Twitter DMs. We want to keep any issues out of the chat and at a minimum.

The content rating for this OCT is 16+. This means we will be more lenient on violence, body horror and certain sensitive topics. However, please include content warnings appropriately at the beginning of your entries.
We will NOT permit any explicit 18+ sexual or abusive content within entries. Any content of this sort leads to immediate action. You will not be warned twice.
Tag-teams are allowed. One writer and one artist or two artists can team up. The limit of competing OCs is still 2 per team regardless of whether you're collaborating or working on your own.
​Opponents and OC owners in general are to be asked for permission first if you intend to ship, harm or kill their creations. This is common courtesy and their wishes are to be respected.
For auditions you will be required to create two things: a visual entry to introduce your character(s) and fully colored reference sheets for any characters being entered.
Your visual entry will need to introduce your character and show them arriving into Parasomnia INC. How that is done and anything else you'd like to show regarding story, characters, etc. is completely up to you!
There is no restriction on the length of your audition. It can be as short or as long as you need to introduce your character(s) and story. Please just keep the length of the audition period in mind.
Once you are finished with your audition, you can upload it whatever way is easiest for yourself (imgur, Google Docs, webtoons, etc.) But your submission must be posted on Twitter directly, whether that is through a link or directly uploaded to Twitter itself.
You can submit your audition by the google form we will have set up once auditions open.
You will be allowed to enter up to 2 characters to the OCT. You will have to create references for both characters, whether that is one large reference sheet or two separate ones.
The reference sheet MUST be done in color. If your character's palette is black and white, state so on your sheet.
Reference sheets must include both a front and back view of your character(s) as well as any special poses or visuals for key components of your OC(s). I.e. important items & knicknacks, demonstration of abilities etc. .
Things to consider including are: Name, pronouns, personality, age, height, abilities, weaknesses, strengths and any other details you feel may be important.
Fan characters are not allowed within the OCT and would need to be redesigned/rewritten to contain no direct references to other media.
Using a dollmaker and other comparable bases are not permitted.
If you have any questions regarding rules or any audition requirements, don't hesitate to send them to us either by submitting a ticket on discord or DMing us through Twitter!