So what's the rating of this OCT?
​10/10! Just kidding. The content rating for entries in this OCT is 16+. Proper content warnings need to be given if you feature violence, body horror and certain sensitive topics.
The Discord itself is PG-13 only; spoiler content from your works and properly CW tag them if you choose to share within the server.
What happens when the Audition period ends?
No more auditions will be accepted, and the judging period will begin. We will announce the roster a week or two after the deadline, and then the matchups a week after that.
Why isn’t writing allowed?
Writing-only entries (same as writing with cover pages, flavourart, etc.) are sadly not permitted to compete in the main tournament. This is because we feel as though comparing comics and visual media with writing is difficult to judge fairly. However, we do look forward to spectator works in which written entries are very much welcomed!
How many contestants will the roster consist of?
We are aiming for 32 contestants!
This means there will be 5 rounds after auditions. Round 1 has 16 matchups, Round 2 has 8 matchups etc.
How are the matches decided?
To keep things fair, we use a random generator to decide our matchups.
We will host matchup live streams where we will generate the matchups live on Twitch!
What's required in a round?
You and your opponent's characters in a shared situation and/or conflict. Combat isn't necessary and it's even entirely possible for the characters to work together to solve the problem.​
What do I do if I start having computer problems and upload a few minutes past the deadline?
If you start to have any upload issues, please let us know via ticket or Twitter DM ASAP so we are aware of it. We will be understanding and handle the situation according to the circumstances. If you upload late with no explanation, you will unfortunately face a consequence or at worst be disqualified.
Do we get critiques?
We will provide public minicrits for the accepted contestants for each round. You may ask for elaboration if you are part of the selected roster, but we will not provide critiques otherwise in order to keep our workload manageable.
What are Spectator Entries?
Spectator Entries are any content you make depicting any sort of story outside of the main tournament and will not be judged. You are welcome and encouraged to make SE's and use the world in any way you wish!
What happens if there is a forfeit?
If the forfeit occurs within 1 week of the beginning of the round, then we will bring back someone from the previous round as a second wind to take their place. Otherwise, you will move on to the next round if you submit a complete entry. Your round still needs to get from beginning to end visually and narratively with some amount of effort, even if it's rough. Don't just submit a few panels or concept sketches with an outline and expect to pass because your opponent forfeited - it is not a guaranteed auto-pass!
Both competitors of a match-up forfeited! What now?
In a double forfeit, both contestants are no longer participating, and there will be a Second Wind. Someone who would have lost to their opponent in the current round can return to compete in the next round.
When does the audition period begin and how long will it be?
Currently auditions are set to open June 11th-July 23rd, approximately giving a month and half to create your entries.
There is a possibility of extension, but that will be decided and discussed closer to the deadline depending on how many people ask.

How do I submit my work?
Once your reference sheet(s) and audition are finished, DM us at @ParasomniaOCT on Twitter and fill out our Google Form (available at a later date). For future rounds, we will require you to follow the same procedure as mentioned prior.
Why do I need a Twitter account to enter?
Easily put; we want to be in contact! And the best way to ensure you’re in reach is through a Twitter account, which you will need to submit the audition and rounds. While you are not forced to join our Discord to join the tournament, a Twitter account is needed for you to participate and submit your works to the public. Our judge team and community welcome you to our Discord chat, naturally!
Are lore/NPCs/setting/etc. changeable?
Yes! We encourage you to go crazy with the resources given to you as long as it is still within respectful territory. Our provided materials are meant to be played with, and the more they manage to inspire you the better!
Can I make NPCs?
An NPC is a supplemental character that you add to your own rounds, but your opponent is not required to include. While they may play important roles in your story, they must not overshadow the your competing characters, and your opponent should be able to easily write for your OCs without the NPC involved.
My character has a second personality to them. Is that allowed?
We count characters with second personalities as two characters, as your opponent would then be required to write for two separate characters.
How important is the canon of my opponent to my own story?
First and foremost, please prioritize your own work. While an OCT is meant to bring together artists of all kinds to create a fun collaborative effort, your round and your story is what we are looking for! Tell it to its full potential while including your opponent to the best of your ability and remember to have fun!
Can I ask the judges if my character is too overpowered/is properly balanced?
Yes! Feel free to request a ticket or DM our Twitter account with your reference or information and we will review for you.
Will the rounds have prompts?
Yes! You can use them however your heart desires. Or not at all! They are mainly to inspire conflict and ideas, but nothing you need to include within your round. We’d rather you create something you can pour your heart into rather than checking off buzzwords on a list.
When does the audition period begin and how long will it be?
Currently auditions are set to open June 11th-July 23rd, approximately giving a month and half to create your entries.
There is a possibility of extension, but that will be decided and discussed closer to the deadline depending on how many people ask.
Is there a height cap for characters?
​We would suggest keeping them at the 9ft (~2.75m) range. Anything larger than that will not be required for your opponent to account for, as very large characters can become difficult to fit into compositions.
Do we have to submit a character that has nightmare/dark themes?
Nope! You have complete freedom to submit characters with any type of theming!
Do we have to incorporate the analog horror/video type theming in our story?
​​Nope! The overall theme is just nightmares/liminal space/horror. We just chose the analog aesthetic to share information. (we just think its neat) But it is completely your choice on how much you want to include it!
Does our character have to find/watch the tape in order to enter?
Nope! The training video was just a fun idea we had, but you are free to get as out of the box with it as you wish! Maybe they receive an email, a letter, a dream ? There is no required way to enter into the OCT, have as much fun with it as you want.
What are the limitations on how much we can use the judge NPCs?
You are free to use the judge characters as much or as little in your stories as you would like! You can make backstories for them, intertwine them with your own characters stories, etc. They are there for you to use in anyway to benefit your story.
We just ask that you would treat them as respectfully as you would an opponents OC, since, after all, they are still our OCs!
Is there a minimum age requirement for OCs to be?
While there is no actual age limit (due to abstract ages i.e. a robot made 2 days ago or something) please keep in mind that there are a lot of horror elements in the OCT and seeing young characters in horror situations could be distressing to some viewers. You’ll need to be prepared to put a content warning in your entries.
Is Parasomnia set within any certain time period?
​No exact time period! We like to imagine that the parasomnia HQ is in its own sort of dream-scape dimension, so there is potential to reach any dimension and time period!