"Hello and welcome to our team at:
Where we are proud to create your deepest darkest nightmares!

we are proud to present a new opportunity for you!
The CEO position is open and available!
Our CEO is our most coveted position, as you
will be given complete control over all nightmares!
But wait, don’t be too excited! You are first
invited to the interview process.
You will have to compete against all your fellow
employees for the position! You’ll have to give it everything you
got to make it to the top! Even if it means you have to
The last one standing will earn the coveted position!
Good luck! And remember..."
As a [JOB NAME] you can be proud to be a part of a corporation that
manufactures, crafts, and distributes the highest quality nightmares to every dimension!
But first, a word from our founder and CEO——"
☾ ☾ ☾
As the video comes to a stop, it appears you are already
within the halls of Parasomnia INC. An eerie liminal office space stands before you.
But when did it happen?
How did you even get here?
Will you make it out alive?
That's a story you'll have to tell.
☾ ☾ ☾
Please keep in mind that this premise is just a general guideline.
You do not need to have it word for word in your audition! Each tape could be different and specialized,
or your OC could find other ways to enter into Parasomnia HQ. This is your story, so have fun with it!